Qatar / Culture

Qatar Museums invites artists to submit proposals on public art

Published: 02 Aug 2022 - 04:01 pm | Last Updated: 02 Aug 2022 - 08:08 pm


Doha: Qatar Museums has invited emerging and veteran artists in Qatar to propose works of art before August 15, as part of its annual open call for public art.

Director of Public Art at Qatar Museums Eng. Abdulrahman Al Ishaq said in a statement on Tuesday that the open invitations organized by Qatar Museums every year aim to support local talents and provide artists living in Qatar with a valuable opportunity to propose works of art for public spaces and their creativity, inviting qualified artists to submit their proposals for works that will contribute to enriching the cultural and artistic scene in Qatar, by sparking reflective conversations through creative means.

He explained that qualified artists in Qatar are invited to submit one or more works to the art department for an opportunity to create their artwork on walls throughout Doha. Wall Art brings artists together to add vitality and artistic meaning to walls in Doha through graffiti and street art.

The goal of the program is to revive urban areas, promote artistic intervention in certain areas and create new locations within Doha that people visit. It is also part of Qatar Museums ' ongoing commitment to support local talent and promote public art.

He also pointed out that university students and graduates were invited to propose a temporary or permanent public artwork in this year's public art students competition, in order to encourage students and graduates to think about the message they would like to convey through their artwork.

The selected artist will be tasked with designing his proposal with the support of the Public Art department at Qatar Museums, with the deadline for receiving proposals being Monday, September 5, 2022.

In his statement, Al Ishaq highlighted that the invitation of the 5/6 open initiative encourages artists to propose a permanent public artwork that addresses the local community and that they must take into account the relevance of the artwork to the community and the message they wish to convey through their artwork, and they must also take into account the weight, dimensions, materials, and budget, noting that successful applicants will receive a commission contract to implement their proposed public artwork.